Does it hurt?

Laser tattoo removal can range from mildly uncomfortable to downright painful, depending on a multitude of circumstances such as size and placement of the existing tattoo. Luckily, there are highly effective numbing creams and ice packs that can completely ease the pain. Your laser specialist does not want to hurt you, thus Blue Lotus Laser strives to put client comfort and safety above all else.

Is it expensive?

Short answer: no. Laser tattoo removal has come a long way in terms of technology and accessibility. The minimum service price at Blue Lotus Laser is just $80 per treatment, and cost only rises a little as size and complexity of the tattoo increase. Your pricing and treatment options will be customized to your needs, so please reach out for specific pricing questions. Service price should never be a mystery when discussing treatment, and Blue Lotus Laser will always be transparent and direct about these answers.

Is laser tattoo removal right for me?

If you have a tattoo that brings shame, embarrassment, or just doesn’t reflect your lifestyle anymore, laser tattoo removal is right for you. Size, placement, skin tone, and tattoo application do not matter, Blue Lotus Laser can lighten or remove it. Talk to our laser specialist today to consult about your tattoo.

Are there contraindications that will prevent me from getting laser tattoo removal?

Yes. The following list of conditions will bar you from eligibility for laser tattoo removal:

  • Pregnancy/breast feeding

  • Hypersensitivity to light

  • Accutane prescription, current or within past 6 months

  • Retinol creams in area within past month

  • Active sunburn, wound, or infection in/near treatment area

  • Weak or compromised immune system

How long do I need to wait between treatment sessions?

At a minimum, you should wait 6-8 weeks between laser treatments on the same tattoo. The tattoo will continue to lighten over weeks and months as your body removes the pigment, so spacing sessions further apart is not a bad strategy to achieve optimal results.